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The number of food controls and the resources allocated to them are dwindling across Europe. This is the worrying trend that emerges from the report ‘Keeping food in check’, published today by BEUC.
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A new lab test shows that food packaging made of coloured paper and cardboard - such as coffee cups and straws - may contain and release chemicals originating from the inks used for printing. Paper is the second most used food packaging material after plastic. Unlike plastics, however, there are no EU rules governing paper’s use as a food contact material.
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Today, seven national consumer organisations from the European Consumer Organisation’s (BEUC) network are launching a petition calling for the roll out of Nutri-Score across Europe on food and drink packaging. It is the first time that consumer groups are joining forces to start a European Citizens’ Initiative, coordinated by French consumer group UFC-Que Choisir.
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