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BEUC has launched a complaint over a concern that the No-Nutriscore Alliance and Brussels-based consultancy Must & Partners breach the EU Code of Conduct on transparency. BEUC argues that while the European Commission is drafting its position about a future EU-wide front-of-pack nutrition label, it is unfair that some authorised representatives (Must & Partners) may access EU decision makers to voice the concerns of an entity they represent secretly (the No-Nutriscore Alliance).
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A new report by the WHO European Regional office published today paints a stark picture of overweight and obesity rates across Europe and calls for healthier food environments. Alarmingly, not one single country in the region is on course to halt the rise in these conditions, a target they had committed to achieving by 2025. The European Consumer Organisation BEUC calls on decision makers to take urgent action.
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EU Commission encourages governments to tackle rising food prices to support less affluent consumers
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In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its serious implications for agri-food markets, the European Commission has just published a new Communication on safeguarding food security and boosting the resilience of the EU food system. BEUC welcomes the EU Commission’s stance on the need to protect consumers against steep food price hikes and to roll out its blueprint for a more sustainable and resilient food system, i.e. the Farm to Fork Strategy.
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