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As negotiations on the reform of passenger rights move full steam ahead, BEUC warns that this legislative train is dangerously off track. The Hungarian EU Presidency plans to reach a General Agreement within a few weeks, but the current proposals fall short of adequately protecting consumers. We urge Member States to make decisive changes to ensure consumers can confidently exercise their rights.

Consumers are increasingly willing to buy sustainable products, especially energy-efficient ones, in order to minimise their impact on the environment. All too often though, confusing information and a great variety of industry claims make this difficult. What makes it even more complicated is the lack of enough sustainable products in EU shops and that they are barely identifiable.

  • Improve the sustainability of products by reducing their impact on the environment
  • Give consumers the possibility to make informed and sustainable choices between different products using independent and verified labels (such as the Ecolabel). Unsustainable products to be taken off the market
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of transport in Europe while ensuring consumers benefit from improved information and cost reductions