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The European Parliament just lent strong support to the ‘Farm to Fork Strategy’, setting the EU on the path towards a more sustainable food system. The European Consumer organisation (BEUC) applauds MEPs for adopting an ambitious position and resisting pressure to water down their stance.
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Food companies’ commitment to market their products responsibly blatantly fails to protect European children from ads praising unhealthy foods. That is the outcome of a snapshot survey BEUC and ten of its member organisations1 carried out in spring 2021 as part of a project initiated by Professor Amandine Garde of the University of Liverpool.2 With ample evidence that industry self-regulation of food marketing to children is not working, the consumer groups advocate for binding EU rules.
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Today, the European Commission has unveiled a new plan to turn the tide against cancer. Unhealthy diets as well as overweight and obesity are significant risk factors for cancer. BEUC welcomes that the EU Commission wants to help prevent cancer by making healthy food choices easier for consumers. However, it is a disappointment that some measures on ending EU-funded ads for meat have been watered down in the plan’s final version.
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The EU’s German Presidency has just adopted conclusions on food labelling. Sadly, what were originally intended to be Council conclusions – signed off by all Member States – have been downgraded to non-unanimous Presidency conclusions, which send a weaker message.