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According to European Commission plans presented today, it will become easier for consumers to watch online TV series, films and sports events broadcast by foreign channels. The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) has for long argued that consumers should not be blocked by foreign broadcasters from watching TV series, sports events and movies online. BEUC welcomes the fact that the Commission is taking an important first step in giving consumers a wider choice of online content.
The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) welcomes today’s decision to keep the internet free and able to innovate. The EU body gathering national telecom regulators (BEREC) is releasing rules1 on net neutrality which will prevent internet providers from blocking or slowing down consumers who wish to access popular services such as Skype and Netflix or giving priority access to own programmes.
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Today, the European Commission brought additional antitrust charges against Google, boosting its claim that the search giant has abused its dominant position to favour its own services. The Commission also brought new charges against Google’s advertising business.
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The European Consumer Organisation and Members of the European Parliament from across political ailes1 today called on the European Commission to bring down unjustifiably high costs for calling or texting another EU country.
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Today, 12 July, EU and US telecommunications experts issued a clear warning: to ensure investment in broadband and to give consumers high-speed access to the internet, efficient competition has to be guaranteed.
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