STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty

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STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty

STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty

STEP - Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty

2019 - 2022

Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty (STEP) is a project to develop a simple, innovative and replicable model of measures to address energy poverty.

The project covers some of the countries with the highest rates of energy poverty in Europe. These are Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and the United Kingdom.

STEP’s overall objective is to alleviate energy poverty by encouraging behavioural change and low-cost energy efficiency solutions among consumers in or at risk of energy poverty through trusted, tailored advice.

There are three specific objectives:

  • To get consumer groups and frontline organisations, who advise people on a range of issues such as financial or health-related ones, to partner and deliver advice to energy poor consumers.

  • To help energy poor consumers across the 9 countries save energy and improve their living standard. We will advise consumers on more efficient energy consumption and how this can help them save money and improve their health and well-being. We will carry out information campaigns, provide tips on how to save energy, demonstrate cost savings and help put in place low-cost energy efficiency measures.

  • To disseminate best practices and policy choices that can alleviate energy poverty and promote their replication in other EU countries.

Videos of STEP partners

There were 11 organisations taking part in the STEP project.

Nine of them are established consumer organisations which provide advice to consumers at national level.

The other two organisations are a European umbrella network of consumer organisations (BEUC) and a UK-based trade association from across the industrial, commercial and public sectors working on energy efficiency and decentralised energy (ADE Research).

Map with STEP partners


What have we achieved? What works and what doesn’t?

STEP on the ground: National Stories and Policy Recommendations
What did the STEP partners achieve, and how did it influence our policy asks?

STEP in focus: The Final Fact Sheet
An overview of what the STEP project was, and what it achieved.

The impact of STEP energy advice on consumers – direct contact: Final Report
The STEP final report on the impact of energy advice given to consumers through direct contact

The impact of STEP energy advice on consumers – indirect contact: Final Report
The STEP final report on the impact of energy advice given to consumers through indirect contact

Summary guide of benefits for organisations joining the STEP network
Check what our partners find most rewarding in joining our STEP network of advisors below

Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) – revision proposals
Find out below STEP’s latest 5 recommendations for the revision of the EED

Second set of policy recommendations
These policies reflect the new COVID-19 realities and the need of more financing, energy efficiency and collaboration with local actors

First set of policy recommendations
13 policy recommendations directed to tackling energy poverty at national and European level

Best practises in STEP project countries
If its either on raising awareness, reaching the energy poor or the best ways for tackling energy poverty, this report provides some answers

REPORT | Partnership agreements for training of frontline workers
All the partnership agreements established so far for the implementation of the STEP project

REPORT | Defining energy poverty in STEP project countries
A survey on 151 organisations working with consumers on energy poverty on who the target group is and the obstacles in helping these

REPORT | Summary of available support schemes
Check out the support schemes available on energy poverty throughout the 9 project countries

REPORT | Targeting energy poor consumers
Find out what the energy poverty definitions are in project countries as well as the causes and measures for tackling this.

STEP factsheet
A short illustrated factsheet of what STEP project is all about

Training programme framework
A brief presentation of our online/ offline training methods for reaching out to consumers and energy efficiency advisors

REPORT | Assessment of energy poverty provisions in the Clean Energy Package
All the mentions on energy poverty aggregated from the 5 concerned pieces of legislations from the Clean Energy Package






For any question related to the project or what is going on at European level, please contact:

BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation
1st floor, Rue d’Arlon 80
Brussels 1040
+32 2 743 15 90