Right to Energy Forum : STEP shares good practices
On 1/12 STEP, Solutions to Tackle Energy Poverty H2020 project, had its first public debut during the (virtual) Right to Energy Forum. STEP organised a session presenting how it has adapted its working methods to support consumers in energy poverty during the pandemic.
The session had several speakers from the Consortium sharing their news from the ground from the UK, Portugal, Lithuania and Latvia. Full recording already available online.
Even though the current times are challenging, the project partners showed that consumer advice has not stopped but has instead gone either online, in print or via telephone. The project has also kept up its advocacy work with new policy recommendations and training modules in the pipeline.

The event was very well received with more than 100 people attending. We give special thanks to Astrid Aldous (Citizens Advice), Carolina Gouveia (DECO), Kestutis Kupsys (ALCO) and Baiba Miltovica (LPIAA). Moderation was ensured by Cezara Popovici (BEUC) and policy introduction and summary by Monika de Volder (BEUC).