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EU report confirms Ecolabel must keep benefitting consumers and the environment
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Today the European Commission has decided to maintain its EU-wide Ecolabel and ensure more products display it. For 25 years, this voluntary scheme has been helping consumers to choose the most environmentally-friendly products. The EU Ecolabel has also contributed to boost green jobs . The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and the European Environmental Bureau (EEB) applaud the move to strengthen this valuable tool.

Consumers are increasingly willing to buy sustainable products, especially energy-efficient ones, in order to minimise their impact on the environment. All too often though, confusing information and a great variety of industry claims make this difficult. What makes it even more complicated is the lack of enough sustainable products in EU shops and that they are barely identifiable.

  • Improve the sustainability of products by reducing their impact on the environment
  • Give consumers the possibility to make informed and sustainable choices between different products using independent and verified labels (such as the Ecolabel). Unsustainable products to be taken off the market
  • Reduce the carbon footprint of transport in Europe while ensuring consumers benefit from improved information and cost reductions