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EU Parliament champions consumers on renewables
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In its plenary session today, the European Parliament voted in favour of proposals to make it easier for consumers to produce renewable energy. This has set it on course for a showdown with Member States later this year, who have been reluctant to create an electricity market where consumers feed energy they produce into the grid.
EU member states reluctant to open up benefits of energy transition to consumers
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EU energy ministers meet on Monday to agree to a common line on Commission proposals to reform the electricity market, manage a transition of Europe’s energy supply to renewables and roll out new technologies like smart meters. Despite much of the positive rhetoric surrounding this file, ministers are emptying the Commission proposals of many of its advantages.

Despite many attempts for improvement, the energy market is still a sector of great concern to European consumers as it has many failures: there is concern over complex tariffs, rising prices, poor service or mis-selling, the difficulty of switching and confusion over what consumers can do to lower their bills, including how to be energy efficient.

Access to affordable energy is a real worry for consumers, particularly for vulnerable groups such as those with a low income. Despite the opening of the markets, competition remains limited, restricting consumer choice and driving up prices. Unfair commercial practices such as aggressive doorstep-selling are another source of consumer frustration in the energy market.

‘Smart technologies’ such as smart meters are heralded as the future and they are claimed to offer benefits to consumers. Yet they raise numerous questions about their true potential to deliver real benefits to consumers, as well as risks related to privacy and cost increases.

  • Ensure energy is affordable and available to all consumers

  • Enable consumers to easily choose between various energy suppliers and switch to the best deal

  • Ensure that smart energy systems and other new developments are affordable and designed to benefit consumers