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Today, Italian consumer organisation and BEUC member Altroconsumo is being heard at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the Avastin & Lucentis case.
Press release
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The European Commission today unveiled a number of initiatives to help citizens, consumers and business get more out of the EU’s Single Market.
A so-called ‘Single Digital Gateway’ will function as a portal with information about rules and rights for anyone living in, or buying products and services, from another EU country.
A so-called ‘Single Digital Gateway’ will function as a portal with information about rules and rights for anyone living in, or buying products and services, from another EU country.
Press release
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A survey by consumer organisations covering 6 EU countries shows that passengers in the EU rarely receive the care or compensation they are entitled to in case of delays or flight cancellations .
Press release
The European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee voted today to remove obstacles when consumers shop online in the EU. It remains common practice that traders refuse to sell a product or service online to consumers living in another Member State. A 2015 mystery shopping survey revealed that only slightly more than a third of attempted cross-border purchases were successful (37%).
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer