VW “extra guarantee” is window dressing exercise


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VW “extra guarantee” is window dressing exercise

Published on 15.06.2017

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PRESS STATEMENT - 15.06.2017

In reaction to reports that Volkswagen will offer an “extra guarantee” to affected car drivers, Monique Goyens, Director General of The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), commented:


“VW seems to offer affected car drivers the possibility to turn to them for 24 months if the so-called fix is deemed unsatisfactory. But this is far from sufficient. There are more and more reports of problems after the cars have been repaired.

“It is unclear at this stage what the commitment would include, but the initial order of the German motor vehicle authority (Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt) already obliges VW to ensure that the repair would not come with any negative impact on fuel consumption, driving behaviour or performance of the car. It is Volkswagen’s legal obligation to offer a repair if the initial fix doesn’t solve the problem.

“This looks more like a window dressing exercise of VW to avoid compensating consumers. 

“It is sad that Volkswagen seems unreceptive to the fact that millions of consumers have been misled and deserve compensation in Europe. That US consumers will be compensated, while Europeans will not, is a blatant reminder that Volkswagen only seems to budge in the face of pressure. This attitude will only lead to more consumers going to court in Europe.

“BEUC members will continue to pursue action to achieve that European consumers are truly compensated for VWs fraud.”


15.06.2017 - PDF Document - 132.61 KB

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