Press releases


Press releases

Consumer groups and public broadcasters join forces to ensure Europeans get better cross-border access to TV and radio programmes
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Available in English
The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) and the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) urge EU decision makers to give citizens the keys to enjoy more TV and radio programmes from across Europe. This can be done through new copyright licensing rules which meet the needs of the Digital Single Market.
Commission plans to tackle high, unfair fees in cross-border and currency conversion payments
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Available in English
Today the European Commission unveiled plans to address the unnecessarily high costs consumers face when they are abroad and are offered to pay in either the local currency or their own, which is known as Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) [1]. The EU executive arm is also looking to reduce the high fees consumers are usually charged when they make cross-border payments between euro and non-euro currencies. BEUC strongly supports action in both areas and is calling for an outright ban of DCC.
EU Parliament pushes for national consumer protection authorities to have more powers
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Available in English
Today the European Parliament’s Internal Market Committee voted to give more powers to national authorities responsible for protecting consumers, such as greater investigative powers and being able to order a trader to pay compensation to consumers when traders have broken the law. The committee also wants consumer organisations to be able to formally alert national public authorities when cases of foul play are identified. The European Parliament is broadly in line with the European Commission proposal which was issued in May 2016.
Contact Card
Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer