With the Brexit talks about to start, EU consumer groups have outlined how the interests of EU and UK consumers should be protected during the negotiations. The European Consumer Organisation and its members want any decisions related to the United Kingdom’s exit from the EU, and its subsequent relationship, to be assessed against the impact on consumers.
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Today 6 major food companies have announced they will develop a colour-coded nutrition label on their products’ packages. BEUC welcomes this landmark step but deplores the way manufacturers want to define the colours reflecting the foods’ nutritional value.
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The European Parliament’s investigative committee into the Dieselgate emissions scandal adopted its conclusions today. It blames Member States for failures in testing cars both before and after they go on the road. It also criticises the European Commission for not following up on indications that illegal testing practices occurred.
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Today the European Banking Authority proposed new security requirements for all electronic payments in the EU. These rules leave a lot to be desired when it comes to tackling fraud, which is the reason the rules are being introduced in the first place. In the Eurozone the value of all fraudulent transactions using cards online amounted to €1.44 billion in 2013, which represented an increase of 8% from 2012.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer