Protecting consumers from the risks of AI - A consumer checklist
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As consumers, we are likely to interact ever more frequently with artificial intelligence systems. In turn, these systems will undoubtedly get more powerful and extend to everything, from driving our cars to setting our insurance premiums.
While people see a huge potential in this technology, they still have low trust in AI. Our survey found that the majority of consumers fear AI will lead to a manipulation of their decisions and further abuse of their personal data. More than half of the survey’s respondents also had low trust in the authorities exerting effective control over AI.
If people don’t feel they are protected, they will not feel at ease with AI systems and there is also a risk they interact only with big tech companies they already know, rather than small innovators. Trust in AI can only come about if people can rest assured that there are protections in place when something goes wrong. A strong legal framework is necessary to make the EU the world leader of trustworthy AI.
The EU is currently drawing up the world’s first piece of legislation on AI – the AI Act. Although it is welcome, the Commission’s proposal falls substantially short of what is needed to protect consumers from the risks of AI.
BEUC recommends that EU decision-makers make considerable changes to the Commission proposal before it becomes law so that consumers can trust AI.