Harmful chemicals in everyday products - Research and product tests by BEUC member organisations
About this publication
Consumers may be exposed to harmful chemicals in the products they use throughout their daily life. In 2020, the EU published the ‘Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability’ which aims to eliminate harmful chemicals from consumers’ lives. To achieve this vision, the EU Institutions must urgently introduce new legal safeguards to reduce overall consumer exposure to harmful chemicals and to better protect children and other vulnerable groups, while public authorities must considerably step-up enforcement of EU chemicals rules, including at the EU’s borders and on online marketplaces.
BEUC and its members support the swift and ambitious roll-out of the initiatives outlined in the Chemicals Strategy. As part of our contribution to making the intended and needed changes a reality for consumers on the ground, BEUC continues to raise awareness on harmful chemicals in consumer products with the help of its members. This ‘living’ repository presents findings from BEUC members and adds to our existing report on harmful chemicals in everyday products. The research collected in the repository was conducted from 2017 up until now. The tests are organised by product category, and within the category by the year the test was performed.