Introducing the Heat Pump Readiness Indicator: executive summary



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Introducing the Heat Pump Readiness Indicator: executive summary

Published on 09.08.2023

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As part of meeting its climate objectives, Europe has committed to a ‘Renovation Wave,’ a massive undertaking to render Europe’s ageing building stock more sustainable.

For this to be successful, consumers will need to be on board, as it will require complicated and expensive decisions like insulation and buying a heat pump. For consumers, knowing how far to go with thermal insulation, at what point it makes sense to shift to a green heating system can be a challenge.

To help answer these questions, BEUC commissioned a study entitled, ‘Introducing the Heat Pump Readiness Indicator: How to make Energy Performance Certificates fit for heat pumps.’ This is an executive summary of that report.


Introducing the Heat Pump Readiness Indicator