BEUC and its member organisations are calling today on European food companies and retailers1 to stop using cartoons when marketing nutrient-poor foods to young consumers. The consumer groups’ call applies to both advertising and packaging.
As of Thursday, 15 June, roaming charges for the use of your mobile phone in another EU country will disappear. These charges have continuously been diminished over the past decade. From now on, consumers when abroad will call, text or surf without additional costs.
EU Member States want consumer protections such as guarantee rights to apply when consumers buy digital products and services. Following today’s agreement1, and once the European Parliament adopts its position, the legislator will work towards a final deal.
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The European Commission will today present reports which show that European consumers are currently not adequately protected in the 21st century marketplace. The findings concern in particular consumers who seek compensation for damages and those experiencing problems when buying digital content online.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer