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MEPs gave their green light to the Parliament to start negotiations with Member States on a crucial update of the EU’s ePrivacy law. The law would safeguard consumers’ privacy when they go on the internet or use mobile apps as well as protect the confidentiality of their online communication.
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Tomorrow, the plenary of the European Parliament will make a decisive vote about the protection of consumers’ privacy when they surf and shop online, use mobile apps, write emails and use instant messaging services.
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The European Parliament committee in charge of a draft law on online privacy voted to protect the confidentiality of consumers’ communications. They want that consumers must give their consent before companies can monitor their online activities.
Children smartwatches, on sale in many European countries, pose massive security risks. Research published today by Forbrukerrådet, the Norwegian member organisation of BEUC, has revealed that strangers can seize control of the tested watches and use them to track and eavesdrop on children.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer