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Ahead of their meeting today, BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation, is calling on MEPs in charge of preparing the EU Parliament’s position on the General Food Law revision not to give up on pursuing a first reading deal with the Council before the EU elections.
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Today, the European Parliament’s plenary voted on the CO2 targets for passenger cars up to 2030. This builds on its Environment Committee’s vote of September 10th.
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Today patients and health budgets may sometimes be paying through the roof for expensive medicinal treatments that are not necessarily efficient. The position adopted today by the European Parliament, to pool efforts by Member States in testing how efficient medicines are, could change that.
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The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) regrets the outcome of today’s plenary vote. If the plans voted today become EU law, the benefits of the internet for consumers will be at risk.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer