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The European Commission today fined Google (Alphabet Inc.) for breaking EU competition law in abusing its dominance in the market of mobile operating systems. Google’s Android is by far the most popular operating system among phone and tablets manufacturers, with a market share of more than 80% in Europe.
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A trade deal between the EU and Japan will be signed in Tokyo tomorrow (17 July). Consumer groups welcome that rules on data flows – which could risk undoing EU efforts to protect people’s personal data – have been excluded from the deal. However, two issues – that of using an investor protection court and the formulation of consumer benefits – remain unclear at this stage.
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Today, the European Parliament’s Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) adopted a non-legislative report denouncing the practice of dual product quality and calling for EU action to tackle it.
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Today, Parliament regrettably missed an opportunity to establish mandatory security requirements for connected products such as smart watches, baby monitors or smart locks. This is the outcome of a vote in its industry (ITRE) committee.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer