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The European Parliament has today formally confirmed the deal reached last June between MEPs and Member States on a broad reform of the EU’s telecoms rules. Thanks to the new rules, from May 2019 consumers will pay less when they make a phone call from their home country to another EU-country.
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Chemicals which change our hormonal system, so-called endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), are linked to severe health problems, including infertility, obesity, cancer and genital malformations. Today, the European Commission published a strategy on how the EU can address EDCs – a long overdue update to an earlier 1999 strategy.
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MEPs from the Economic Affairs Committee in the European Parliament have boosted measures to tackle a currency conversion scam which affects travellers.
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Today, the plenary of the European Parliament adopted a long-awaited law which will restrict the use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals and thus help to fight antimicrobial resistance.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer