Press release
A new EU-wide test by consumer organisations has highlighted that consumers – especially the youngest – must be better protected from cancer-causing acrylamide in their food. To do so, BEUC calls on the European Commission to lower the current indicative benchmarks for this contaminant and make them binding on food producers.
Press release
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A Commission report issued today stresses the crucial role EU and national competition authorities play in keeping medicine prices in check and in ensuring access to generic medicines is possible.
Press release
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This Saturday January 19th will mark 10 years that the EU Commission has failed to publish ‘nutrient profiles’, as required by law. This important tool would stop the food industry from making unhealthy foods and drinks looking healthier than they are.
Press release
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Today’s decision is an important milestone to lower the cost of driving – with projected fuel savings of up to thousands of euros over the next decade – and push car makers to place low-emission and fuel-efficient cars on the market.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer