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More than 80 countries have agreed on a consumer protection article to be included in a future international trade deal on e-commerce, the World Trade Organization (WTO) wrote today. The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) welcomes this long overdue step to enhance consumer protection in a globalised market.
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This 1st September, a new energy label will start appearing on lamps sold across the EU. The revised label is a great improvement for consumers, who will get clearer and more helpful information on how energy-efficient lamps are.
Press release
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Consumers are set to benefit directly from a series of EU measures presented today by the European Commission to fight climate change. The proposals are part of the EU’s ‘Fit for 55 Package,’ the first major milestone in the delivery of the EU’s Green Deal.
Press release
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BEUC – The European Consumer Organisation, together with eight of its members,1 today filed a complaint (with the European Commission and the European network of consumer authorities) against WhatsApp for multiple breaches of EU consumer rights.2 For several months now, WhatsApp has been unduly pressuring its users to accept its new terms of use and privacy policy. Yet these terms are neither transparent nor comprehensible for users.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer