Press release
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A compilation of research by BEUC members – national consumer groups – shows online marketplaces continue to be a source of dangerous products. These marketplaces should be liable for selling such products, which is why BEUC urges policymakers to get ongoing reforms of EU law right.
Press release
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The European Parliament has overwhelmingly adopted a report to make batteries more sustainable, from the sourcing of materials and durable and reparable design to improved consumer information. BEUC applauds the Parliament for this consumer-friendly move and urges Member States to maintain such level of ambition when they adopt their position.
Press release
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The European Commission today proposes a new law that would make corporate governance more sustainable. This law on so-called corporate ‘due diligence’ would oblige large companies to meet minimum environmental and labour standards in their supply chain.
Press release
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The European Commission’s proposal published today to set up new rules on data-sharing, including conditions and protections on data portability and accessibility, is essential to consumers.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer