Press releases


Press releases

New consumer rights and product requirements pave the way for more sustainable consumption
Press release
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Available in English
As a part of the Circular Economy package, two proposals from the European Commission will give new rights to consumers and provide them with easier access to more sustainable and durable products.
New requirements for manufacturers of products will be a tangible improvement for consumers. Manufacturers will have to abide by important sustainability criteria such as durability, repairability, upgradeability and chemicals in their products’ design.
Both proposals also introduce new obligations for companies to present key information about the durability and repairability of their products, making it easier for consumers to find and choose the more sustainable option.
EU Commission encourages governments to tackle rising food prices to support less affluent consumers
Press release
- PDF Document - 116.36 KB

Available in English
In the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its serious implications for agri-food markets, the European Commission has just published a new Communication on safeguarding food security and boosting the resilience of the EU food system. BEUC welcomes the EU Commission’s stance on the need to protect consumers against steep food price hikes and to roll out its blueprint for a more sustainable and resilient food system, i.e. the Farm to Fork Strategy.
Contact Card
Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer