Press releases


Press releases

European Parliament committee vote on clean car rules is ‘good’, needs more ambition to be ‘great’
Press release
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Available in English
The European Parliament’s Environment Committee voted on proposed new targets to reduce CO2 emission from cars. Such targets are crucial to bring the climate and financial benefits of electric cars to Europeans. The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) now urges all Members of Parliament to add a specific reduction target for the year 2027 at Parliament’s plenary vote, in order to fast-track these expected benefits.
New obesity figures yet another wake-up call for decision-makers to better protect consumers
Press release
- PDF Document - 89.25 KB

Available in English
A new report by the WHO European Regional office published today paints a stark picture of overweight and obesity rates across Europe and calls for healthier food environments. Alarmingly, not one single country in the region is on course to halt the rise in these conditions, a target they had committed to achieving by 2025. The European Consumer Organisation BEUC calls on decision makers to take urgent action.
Contact Card
Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications
Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer
Oriana Henry
Communications Officer
Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer