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This decision is good news for consumers, as it stimulates car makers to bring cleaner vehicles to market at a fast pace.
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The European Commission today published its plans to make Instant Payments [1] safer, more affordable, and convenient payment option for consumers.
Press release
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The European Parliament today set out its position on the reform of the EU’s ‘alternative fuels infrastructure’ law, which sets the bloc’s regulatory ambition for electric car charging infrastructure. Parliament rightly calls for easy payment, transparent pricing, and maintenance of charging points.
Press release
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An Advocate General of the highest European court (CJEU) last week issued a troubling opinion calling into question the GDPR’s enforceability by individuals if they have suffered non-material damages, such as psychological distress.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer