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Consumers will get much-needed extra protections for a wide range of credit products, according to a final agreement reached today by EU legislators on long overdue revision of the Consumer Credit Directive.
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EU institutions have concluded a reform of product safety legislation. While the new law reflects market developments such as the rise of connected products, it does not fully tackle the sale of dangerous or non-compliant products via online marketplaces.
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The European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (in which BEUC participates) has announced the submission of the first draft standards for mandatory sustainability reporting by big companies in the EU to the European Commission.
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While electric cars are increasingly popular, petrol and diesel cars will be produced and sold well into the 2030s and driven into the 2040s. Plans unveiled by the European Commission to lower air pollutants from cars do not sufficiently address the emissions caused by new fossil fuel vehicles hitting Europe’s roads in the years to come.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer