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New rules agreed at EU level yesterday, which could have given consumers more protection and better rights to decide what happens to data they generate through their use of connected products, are a missed opportunity.
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Who decides what you eat: new report explores what's secretly influencing consumer diets. The way foods are presented and choices framed needs to change to make sustainable healthy diets easy.
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A landmark piece of legislation - the EU’s Representative Actions Directive - allowing consumers to go to court as a group when they have suffered the same harm will officially start to apply across the EU as of Sunday 25 June. However, against their obligations, a significant number of Member States have still not implemented it – it’s time for these countries to pick up the pace.
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Today, BEUC and 23 of its member organisations from 18 countries have filed a complaint to the European Commission and the network of consumer protection authorities (CPC) denouncing misleading climate-related claims by 17 European airlines. According to legal analysis commissioned by BEUC, such claims breach the EU rules tackling unfair commercial practices.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer