Press release
This week, Volkswagen explained how it addresses complaints from car owners affected by the emissions scandal. For the first time, Volkswagen has heeded BEUC’s repeated calls to offer solutions to all European drivers and presented measures to both German and European consumers.
Press release
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BEUC welcomes the agreement to update the 1995 EU law on personal data protection. Although imperfect it will strengthen consumers’ fundamental right to the protection of their personal data. Strong monitoring and enforcement by national supervisors to ensure companies abide by the rules will be crucial for the law’s success.
Press release
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The release today of a ‘Green Paper on retail financial services’ by the European Commission signals a push to create a single market for banking products, payment services and insurances. The financial sector is one of the few areas where consumers cannot shop around in other EU countries for a better deal or wider choice.
Press release
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer