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NGOs, consumer groups and research organisations have expressed disappointment with the European Commission’s continuing failure to propose adequate measures for the collection and publication of information about nanomaterials on the EU market after a Commission meeting with stakeholders in Brussels on Monday.
Press release
New figures out today for the number of hazardous non-food products recalled in 2015 confirm the urgent need to tighten product surveillance rules in Europe. The European Commission received over 2,000 notifications last year. The figures are from the 2015 European Commission Rapid Alert System for No-Food Products (RAPEX). Unsafe children´s toys and clothing top the chart.
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“It is good news that the European Commission is flexing its muscles on competition law. This has to happen if an EU digital economy is to serve consumers and innovative players. Competition rules apply regardless of the company’s country of origin. They are crucial to prevent companies from using their market power to the detriment of consumer choice and innovation.
Press release
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Europe’s national data protection authorities have voiced substantial concerns regarding a planned data transfer agreement between the EU and US. The so-called Privacy Shield proposal does not provide sufficient legal safeguards for protecting Europeans’ personal data when it is transferred across the Atlantic, according to the data protection bodies.
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Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer