Press release
Today, the European Commission announced it would open infringement procedures against 7 Member States for their handling of the dieselgate scandal1. The countries targeted by the Commission have either failed to introduce penalties systems against car manufacturers for violating emissions limits or have not taken action against companies in light of evidence that they broke these emissions norms.
Press release
The internet-connected toys ‘My Friend Cayla’ and ‘i-Que’ fail miserably when it comes to safeguarding basic consumer rights, security, and privacy. Both toys are sold widely in the EU. BEUC’s Norwegian member, the Norwegian Consumer Council, has looked at the terms and technical features of these connected toys. The findings reveal serious risks to, and a lack of understanding of, children's rights to privacy and security.
Press release
Member States decided to maintain the high fees that telecom providers can charge each other when their customers use a foreign network. Today’s decision is of particular importance to European consumers as it would have direct negative consequences on the plan to abolish roaming fees in June 2017.
Press release
Today the European Commission is releasing a set of proposals to reform the EU energy market, particularly for electricity. The Commission has understood that for the transition to a cleaner, more sustainable energy market to be a success, consumers need to become more involved in energy markets. Therefore, the Commission is keen to improve the clarity and quality of information consumers receive on their energy consumption, particularly on bills or through new, smart technologies. The Commission is also releasing its long-awaited Ecodesign work plan which sets design standards for energy-using products so they become more efficient and cut energy bills for consumers. On the downside, however, consumers who have invested in solar panels to produce their own electricity could find the road bumpier in the future.
Contact Card

Pauline Constant
Director, Communications

Andrew Canning
Senior Communications Officer

Oriana Henry
Communications Officer

Sandrine Carpentier
Communications Officer