Study for Commission: TTIP will lead to price increases

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Study for Commission: TTIP will lead to price increases

Published on 13.05.2016

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PRESS STATEMENT - 13.05.2016

Today, the European Commission published the results of a study it commissioned on the EU-US trade negotiations[1] which showed that TTIP would lead to average price increases of 0.3%, whereas household income would increase between 0.2 and 0.4%. The study is an interim version of its ‘Sustainable Impact Assessment’ which analyses the economic, social and environmental impacts of ongoing TTIP negotiations.


Monique Goyens, Director General of The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), commented:

“It is disappointing that TTIP is likely to result in price increases for consumers. This is not what consumers were told when negotiations kicked-off three years ago.

“Cheaper products were supposed to be the number one consumer benefit of a future trade pact with the US but that claim is now in jeopardy. What is crucial now is that negotiators make consumer issues a key agenda point of these trade talks.”

[1] Developed by consultancy firm Ecorys,





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