Roaming plans on ‘fair use’ updated
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PRESS STATEMENT - 08.12.2016
In response to today’s publication by the European Commission of draft rules on roaming charges, Monique Goyens, Director General of The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC), commented:
“Roaming charges are unacceptable unless the concept of roaming is being abused. It is a good move that the Commission is sticking to this approach. Charging consumers for roaming after 90 days, as previously proposed, would have been unfair.
“Telecom operators should not use consumers’ right to “roam like at home” as an excuse to increase domestic prices. The safeguards to avoid this from happening must be as consumer-friendly as possible.
“We hope Member States will confirm the European Commission’s approach. We expect them in particular to accept the four month observation period before telecom operators can start tracking possible roaming abuses.
“The Commission’s fair use proposal makes one thing clear. It is more important than ever to agree on low wholesale roaming caps, which are currently negotiated by the European Parliament and the Council. With the new fair use proposal, the lower the wholesale cap, the more data consumers will be able to use while roaming without facing a surcharge.”