Örjan Brinkman re-elected as BEUC president
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PRESS RELEASE - 16.05.2017
On Friday 12 May, BEUC’s General Assembly gathering in London unanimously re-elected Örjan Brinkman from the Swedish Consumers’ Association to be its president for another 4-year term.
BEUC’s General Assembly also reconfirmed Gerjan Huis in ‘t Veld (from Dutch member Consumentenbond) as Vice-President. Luisa Crisigiovanni from Italy’s Altroconsumo was re-appointed to be BEUC’s treasurer.
At its meeting in London, BEUC members discussed the implications of Brexit for consumers with European and UK regulators, business experts, academia and the EU’s Ombudsman Emily O’Reilly.
Örjan Brinkman commented on his re-election:
“The digitalisation and globalisation of markets will prompt new opportunities for European consumers. But these developments also lead to new challenges such as the protection of our personal data, the right to redress and the sustainability of way of living.
“In the context of political uncertainties, a strong and united consumer movement which can advocate for the consumer interest is needed more than ever. I am very honoured for the renewed trust and I am committed to make the consumer voice heard in the EU.”