Many goods recalled, many good reasons for stricter surveillance

All Press release

Many goods recalled, many good reasons for stricter surveillance

Published on 25.04.2016

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PRESS RELEASE - 25.04.2016

New figures out today for the number of hazardous non-food products recalled in 2015 confirm the urgent need to tighten product surveillance rules in Europe. The European Commission received over 2,000 notifications last year. The figures are from the 2015 European Commission Rapid Alert System for No-Food Products (RAPEX). Unsafe children´s toys and clothing top the chart.


Monique Goyens, Director General of BEUC, The European Consumer Organisation, commented:

“There is sadly nothing new in this year’s results. Faulty products keep hitting our shelves and putting consumers’ safety at risk. When will we be safe from chemicals when wearing fashion jewellery or free from risk of injury using a baby chair?     

“We need stricter market surveillance rules, also to cope with the challenge of increasing online sales. It’s been three years since Member States have blocked a badly needed overhaul of the system proposed by the European Commission and backed by the European Parliament. Three years during which faulty products keep making it to EU shelves and putting consumers’ health at risk. This standstill is unacceptable.”


25.04.2016 - PDF Document - 87.89 KB

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Pauline Constant, BEUC
Pauline Constant
Director, Communications