European Parliament to decide about fate of consumers’ privacy online
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PRESS STATEMENT - 25.10.2017
Tomorrow, the plenary of the European Parliament will make a decisive vote about the protection of consumers’ privacy when they surf and shop online, use mobile apps, write emails and use instant messaging services.
The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC) is calling on MEPs to back up the vote of the leading civil liberties committee. This committee report – adopted last week – would enable consumers to use online services without giving up their privacy, for example by making privacy protection the default setting of online tools and ensuring that consumers’ online activities cannot be monitored without their consent.
Monique Goyens, Director General of BEUC said:
“MEPs have a clear choice. They can ensure that consumers can use online services without being under constant commercial surveillance or side with companies who want to monetise every step of consumers’ online activities.
“Reading someone’s correspondence or checking which places that person visits without their consent is unimaginable in the real world. The European Parliament must ensure that this is also the case in the online world.”
Tomorrow’s vote will define the European Parliament’s position ahead of their negotiations with Member States. We call on the European Parliament to take a firm stance in favour of consumers’ fundamental rights and privacy friendly innovation.