EU presents plans to repair car testing

All Press release

EU presents plans to repair car testing

Published on 27.01.2016

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PRESS RELEASE - 27.01.2016

Today the European Commission presented its plans for overhauling the framework to approve cars in the European Union.

The Commission proposal – which will first need to pass scrutiny by the European Parliament and Member States – would foresee more checks of testing arrangements and additional inspections of cars already on the road.

Monique Goyens, Director General of The European Consumer Organisation, commented:

“The Commission plans are a big step in the right direction. The proposal to conduct random tests on cars is much needed, and if implemented well, should deter against cheating.

“It is crucial that the cosy relationship between car makers, national authorities and testing services is broken up. We hope the Parliament and Council will make sure this happens.

“Authorities across Europe failed to expose the use of Volkswagen’s illegal defeat device and for years consumers have been unable to rely on car makers’ official fuel consumption figures. Without radical change to the approval system of passenger cars in Europe, the next car emission-scandal is bound to happen again.”


27.01.2016 - PDF Document - 87.42 KB

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