EU energy efficiency rules help consumers save up to €1,800 per year
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EU energy-efficiency rules, known as Ecodesign, help shield consumers from sky-high energy prices when using their home appliances. A study published today by BEUC, the European Consumer Organisation, reveals among others that during the energy crisis in 2022 consumers could save up to €2,450 on their energy bills, using the most efficient appliances. Considering these encouraging results, BEUC calls on the European Commission to allocate enough financial resources to expand the rules further.
The European Commission’s First Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans has hailed the findings as the proof that green policies do serve climate and social objectives:
“We are all familiar with the energy efficiency labels on fridges, washers and dryers. These labels are the result of Ecodesign measures that help us become more conscious of the energy we use and allow us to save energy (and money). Or to put it in other words: less energy consumed is less money spent and less CO2 emissions leading to less harm to our climate. This is what an overwhelming majority of Europeans want and EU legislation on Ecodesign should make energy efficient and environment-friendly products the norm in the EU.”
BEUC’s Director General Monique Goyens added:
“Our findings bring the good news that appliances most of us have at home are silent money makers. Energy efficiency measures deliver for people, especially in times of crisis. With energy prices expected to remain much above the pre-crisis levels, Ecodesign can help consumers save close to a whopping €1,000 on their energy bills each year.
“Such energy efficiency rules are too beneficial to stop here. It is great for the planet and consumers that the EU is expanding Ecodesign measures to more products and to durability, repairability, etc. To tap the potential of this policy, the EU Commission needs to allocate more financial and human resources.”
Top highlights are:
- Even with energy prices at reasonable levels, European households can save between €650 and €1,800 every year on their energy bills thanks to Ecodesign and Energy Labelling. This figure considers the purchase price and running costs of the appliance.
- Most of the savings come from heaters and lamps having become more energy-efficient.
- Switching from a gas boiler to a highly efficient heat pumps helps consumers €385 every year. The higher purchase costs of heat pumps are recovered after 10 years, and much earlier with financial support.
- The lower energy consumption of other appliances such as fridges, TVs and washing machines collectively represent about 15% of the total annual savings.
Read our letter to the European Commission.
The study published today updates a previous one from 2016, which found that consumers could save every year between €330 (just buying products covered by minimum Ecodesign rules) and €515 (choosing the energy label’s top class).
Ecodesign measures, along with Energy Labelling, have been estimated to bring energy savings of approximately 230 Mtoe by 2030.1 This equals the total annual energy consumption of France.2