Ensuring safe and fair play for children - BEUC and ANEC recommendations for a Toy Safety Regulation
About this publication
Consumers expect products on the Single Market to be safe. This is especially relevant for toys, as children are particularly vulnerable.
Whereas they deserve the highest level of protection, research from consumer associations and market surveillance authorities highlight several issues related to toy safety that put youngsters at risk: year after year, toys feature among the three product categories for which most notifications are placed on the EU’s rapid alert system for dangerous products.
Exposure to chemicals raises particular concern, alongside new challenges brought by the proliferation of smart toys and the boom of online sales through which a high number of unsafe products reach consumers.
The revision of EU toy safety rules must ensure a robust regulatory framework that addresses these challenges.
This paper sets out the joint recommendations of BEUC and ANEC, The European Consumer Voice in Standardisation, to the European Parliament and EU Member States on the proposal for a Toy Safety Regulation.