2025 workprogramme of the Council of the European Energy Regulators (CEER): BEUC's input to the public consultation
Published on 25.09.2024
About this publication
BEUC welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Council of European Energy Regulators’ (CEER) 2025 work programme. In our reply, we emphasise the following points:
- Overall, CEER’s work programme focuses on consumer-relevant topics. These for instance include comparability of energy offers and market innovations such as energy sharing.
- In our response, we reiterate important principles for price comparison tools to deliver value for consumers.
- BEUC would welcome a link to its joint vision with CEER for energy consumers in 2030. Given the work programme’s focus on digital topics, we specifically highlight data protection and cybersecurity.
- BEUC recommends regulators to link their work on energy efficiency to the building/residential sector, specifically to address the high upfront costs for consumers. For instance, regulators should consider so-called ‘on-bill schemes’, which are micro-loans that can help consumers renovate their home or install renewable energy devices.
- Regulators should monitor progress on the national implementation of new EU legislation such as the Electricity Directive and the Electricity Market Design.
- BEUC strongly supports the suggested focus on energy poverty and active energy consumption in the context of CEER’s joint work with the EU Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators, ACER.
Grid connections are crucial for the uptake of renewables by households. BEUC urges regulators to explore challenges with connecting to the grid.
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