Online debate | How will the Pharma Strategy pave the way for available and affordable medicines?
Online debate | How will the Pharma Strategy pave the way for available and affordable medicines?
This is the third episode of the #ConsumerDebates that BEUC organises to discuss ongoing and upcoming policy developments.
About this event:
Over the recent years, consumer groups have been denouncing that it has become increasingly difficult for consumers to access some of the medicines they need. This happens because medicines are either in short supply or too expensive. High medicine prices impact patients’ health and pockets and society in general, threatening the sustainability of our healthcare systems.
The European Commission’s Pharmaceutical Strategy published last November is a great opportunity to address this problem, which the COVID-19 outbreak has exacerbated.
As the EU Commission is starting to work on the next steps, this event will look at how decision makers can make the most of the strategy to ensure that medicines are available and affordable across Europe.
When? 3 February 2021 | 10:00-11:30 | online
Speakers include:
- Andrzej Rys, Director, European Commission DG SANTE
- Nicolás González Casares, Member of the European Parliament
- Cláudia Furtado, INFARMED - Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde
- Ilaria Passarani, Secretary General, Pharmaceutical Group of the EU (PGEU)
- Adrian van den Hoven, Director General, Medicines for Europe
- Luisa Crisigiovanni, Secretary General, Altroconsumo (Italian consumer organisation)
- Lauriane Le Menn, Health expert, UFC-Que Choisir (French consumer organisation)
- Martine Van Hecke, Health expert, Test Achats/Test Aankoop (Belgian consumer organisation)
- Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC
10:00 Introduction by moderator Dave Keating
10:05 The consumer view on medicines shortages
- Presentation from Lauriane Le Menn, Health Expert at UFC-Que Choisir
10:10 Panel discussion on medicines availability
- Andrzej Rys, Director, European Commission DG SANTE
- Ilaria Passarani, Secretary General, Pharmaceutical Group of the EU (PGEU)
- Nicolás González Casares, Member of the European Parliament
- Monique Goyens, Director General, BEUC
- Question and Answer Session
10:45 The consumer view on medicines prices and affordability
- Presentation by Martine Van Hecke, Health Expert at Test Achats/Test Aankoop
10:50 Panel discussion on medicines affordability
- Andrzej Rys, Director, European Commission DG SANTE
- Adrian van den Hoven, Director General, Medicines for Europe
- Luisa Crisigiovanni, Secretary General, Altroconsumo
- Cláudia Furtado, INFARMED - Autoridade Nacional do Medicamento e Produtos de Saúde
- Question and Answer Session
11:25 Closing remarks
- Santos, Senior Health Policy Officer, BEUC