Will mysteries of meat origin be solved?
Will mysteries of meat origin be solved?
BEUC NEWS - 26.01.2015
The origin of processed meat sold across Europe is currently shrouded in mystery. When buying lasagne or chicken nuggets, consumers have no clue of the meat’s provenance.
However, with the European Parliament’s latest move, consumers might finally know more.
Wednesday January 21st, the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution urging the European Commission to propose rules on compulsory origin labelling for processed meat (48 MEPs in favour, 15 against, 4 abstentions).
This vote echoes the voices of 90% of EU consumers who asserted their desire to know where the meat in their burgers or sausages comes from.
As reassuring as this vote may be, it’s only a first step. BEUC’s eyes are now on the whole Parliamentary plenary when it votes in a few weeks’ time.
Check out our campaign page: Where is my meat from?
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs