What will new EU energy package mean for consumers? – debate



What will new EU energy package mean for consumers? – debate

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What will new EU energy package mean for consumers? – debate

BEUC NEWS - 27.01.2017

The European Commission released law proposals in November 2016 to make the EU’s energy market fit for an energy transition to more sustainable energy sources and to empower consumers. BEUC is organising a debate on 9 March 2017 to take stock of these proposals and discuss what needs to happen to make these future laws good for consumers.


‘Clean Energy for all Europeans? What’s hot and what’s not for consumers’ will be a debate between Commission representatives, Members of the European Parliament, industry associations and consumer organisations. The event will include testimonies from consumer organisations across Europe. Anybody unable to attend is warmly invited to send in a question they have on Twitter using #CleanEnergyEU and your question may be answered by our panel speakers.

Practical info


Date: 9 March 2017, 08:30-13:00

Venue: Room A3G-2, European Parliament

Agenda: click here