What consumers make of medicine prices today – research results
What consumers make of medicine prices today – research results
Consumers think there should be greater transparency on drug R&D costs, higher returns on public investment, and they disapprove of huge pharma profits when it comes to medicines, according to new research BEUC has carried out.
The focus groups took place in three countries – Italy, the Netherlands and Spain – and showed that consumers mostly think of medicines and healthcare as essential goods.
BEUC commissioned this research to feed into the Commission’s Pharmaceutical Strategy and upcoming legislative work on pharma legislation which is expected at the beginning of next year.
The research reinforces why it is important that EU and national funds used for the development of medicines be disbursed on the condition that the medicines are made more accessible to people. It is also important that companies be required to submit data on R&D costs for medicines when their pricing and reimbursement is under discussion with authorities.
The main results from the focus group are that consumers…
highly value healthcare and consider that medicines are essential goods.
do not approve of excessive pharma profits, and even less when the public sector contributes to drug R&D.
think that governments hold a much weaker hand in drug price negotiations and should have information on R&D costs.
think it is unfair that some medicines are not developed due to commercial reasons and are surprised by the fact that new medicines aren’t always better.
think there should be greater transparency on drug R&D costs, greater returns on public investment and more supranational collaboration.
Click here to access the full summary of the research results.
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs