Postcards to EU Parliament ahead of votes on EU energy policy
Postcards to EU Parliament ahead of votes on EU energy policy
BEUC NEWS - 20.11.2017
Two important votes on EU energy legislation are around the corner. On 28 November, members of the energy committee in the European Parliament will vote on updates to energy efficiency law and renewable energy. These texts will have an impact on consumers for the coming decade. They will determine aspects such as how easily consumers who produce their own electricity can sell any excess they make to the grid, or the amount of energy the EU must save by 2030.
To remind MEPs of the issues that are at stake in this vote and why they’re important for consumers, BEUC has sent them a postcard on each issue with a cartoon on the front.
The legislative texts the Parliament is currently scrutinising are part of a package which is supposed to make a transition of Europe’s energy system to cleaner fuels easier.
After the energy committee votes, the lead MEPs should theoretically have a mandate to open discussions with Member States and the European Commission to come to a final deal.