An optional European contract law an unwise pursuit



An optional European contract law an unwise pursuit

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An optional European contract law an unwise pursuit

The European Parliament plenary vote on CESL scheduled for January 2014 has been postponed to the first plenary session in February. BEUC is calling on MEPs to reject the proposal as it is an inappropriate instrument for consumer contracts and will have a detrimental impact on European consumers and policy.

The Common European Sales Law will lead to confusion of both consumers and businesses and increased legal uncertainty. It will allow traders to circumvent national mandatory protection standards should they want to and therefore reduce consumer rights in many countries.

Moreover the EU Consumer Rights Directive, which fully harmonises major aspects of e-commerce consumer contracts, must be applicable as of June 2014. An additional measure on e-commerce cross-border trade is redundant at this stage.

We will be imploring MEPs not to support such an unnecessary and detrimental legislative initiative.