Obituary: Rhoda Karpatkin, 1930 – 2023



Obituary: Rhoda Karpatkin, 1930 – 2023

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Obituary: Rhoda Karpatkin, 1930 – 2023

OBITUARY - 09.08.2023

Rhoda, known as the Grande Dame of the international consumer movement, died peacefully at home on 4 August, aged 93. There have been many tributes to her life and work in the United States, but her contribution to shaping and developing the international consumer movement is equally important and cannot be overstated, including her positive and important contribution to the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue.

During her tenure as President of Consumers’ Union (now Consumer Reports), Rhoda was also part of Consumer International’s (formerly IOCU) executive board, and its President between 1984 and 1991. She was a passionate supporter of developing the consumer movement in developing countries, and equally in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The establishment of regional offices in Latin America and work towards an Africa office took place during her presidency. She travelled widely round the world, speaking to governments about the importance of consumer rights and protection laws, both for their economic prosperity and wellbeing of their people.

Rhoda was a strong supporter of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue, and part of its Steering Committee (board) since its launch in Washington in 1998 and until 2016 in her capacity as President Emeritus of Consumer Reports. In this role, she greatly helped to bond the US consumer organisations, to work together on common policy goals to influence US and EU policies, including on trade issues where there were previous disagreements.

She had an amazingly clear analytical and strategic perspective on important issues impacting people, coupled with an understanding of their cultural differences and tolerance for different points of view and perspectives. She was also particularly passionate about work for disadvantaged and underprivileged people, in the service of whom she spent the last years of her life, working for the poor on New York’s Upper West Side.

In fact, Rhoda never retired and remains a shining role model for us all.


This obituary has been prepared with the precious help of Anna Fielder, Senior Policy Advisor to the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue and long time friend of Rhoda.