A how-to guide to ensure consumers reap the full benefits of energy communities
A how-to guide to ensure consumers reap the full benefits of energy communities
BEUC NEWS - 02.02.2023
Interest in energy communities has soared in recent times, and it’s easy to see why. They can be a great way to allow consumers to become self-sufficient in renewable energy and to actively participate in the energy transition. However, there are certain aspects that could be improved to enable these communities to go mainstream, according to a new BEUC report published today.
EU law has enabled consumers to participate in renewable energy communities (for example, neighbours joining together to buy electricity from a local wind farm) whilst keeping the same rights as in a traditional energy supplier-consumer contract.
However, when joining energy communities, consumers enter agreements that can alter their individual consumer rights. This can include the right to access full pre-contractual information such as pricing or the conditions for contract termination.
According to BEUC research, consumers are overwhelmingly satisfied with their participation in energy communities. However, if they are to continue to grow, energy communities must ensure they are in line with existing consumer protection legislation.
The report identifies six main ways to enable this to happen, by ensuring consumers have access to:
1. Clear pre-contractual information
2. Energy community offers on price comparison websites
3. Effective alternative dispute resolution schemes to resolve any issues they may face
4. The right to switch supplier and guaranteed protection from disconnection
5. A higher standard of customer service
6. Reassurance that their data is protected
If these conditions are respected, energy communities can be a win-win: consumers benefit from their full rights and energy communities benefit from making their products more attractive to consumers.
Read the report.
Read the executive summary.
The European Consumer Organisation
Europäischer Verbraucherverband
Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs