Hazardous chemicals substitution list updated



Hazardous chemicals substitution list updated

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Hazardous chemicals substitution list updated

The industrial and regulatory tasks of substituting hazardous chemicals with safe alternatives have grown as 28 substances were updated on the hazardous chemicals ‘SIN’ (Substitute It Now) list.

This list – run by non-profit organisation ChemSec – now contains hundreds of chemicals which should be considered candidates for rapid substitution.

REACH – the landmark EU chemical regulation – introduced the concept of “Substances of Very High Concern” which require authorisation and potential usage restrictions. Following the same legal approach, ChemSec’s SIN list has identified additional substances which industry and regulators should substitute with safer alternatives.

Under REACH, regulators can restrict the use of risky chemicals, yet the difference of almost 500 substances between the official list and ChemSec’s recommendation clearly indicates more and quicker action is needed to protect consumers from dangerous substances.

Substances new to the list include the hormone disrupting chemicals Bisphenol F and Bisphenol S. These substances have frequently been used to replace one of the most common product chemicals, Bisphenol A which has been banned in the EU from use in baby bottles.

To access the SIN list, click: http://w3.chemsec.org/